Feb 3, 2010

Ski, ski, ski, ski, concussion, jazz game, ski ski ski....

Last monday I was skiing with a bunch of buddies and my friend Tanner... umm... sort of went off a jump that i was standing on top of (he couldn't see me, or me him) and... stood on my head in a very fast and surprising manor. Thank goodness for helmets. I felt fine right after, we just sat there laughing our brains out (the spectators couldn't breathe they were laughing so hard) then as we skied down, my head started to hurt a little bit. No big deal, I just got got knocked out of my skis by a person in mid-air. I went and took a psychology exam at school and ended up with a whopping D+. Uh oh. Something isn't right. I went to the choropractor, he set my neck back where it was supposed to be, told me my head was fine, said "drink more water" and sent me on my way. So I headed to a Jazz game!
This is my buddy Robo who's face permanently looks like that. Crazy. ;)
After the Jazz game I loaded up on drugs and spent the next couple days at home on my couch. I guess my body doesn't like concussions very much. (What was Dr. Millet snorting that day? My head was NOT FINE!)
Anyway, I went skiing again this Monday and filmed Tanner doing his trick that he tried to do when I got in his way. So just imagine him doing this but with me about 4 feet from the take off. Or something.


Jayne said...

Hey tell Robo I'm really sorry about his face, eh?

Taylor and Mackenzie Nelson said...

Oh poor Cami...you have a very nice head, I'm glad it's still in tact.

JoAnn said...

Gnarly jump, Tanner