Mar 21, 2010

Don't tell somebody

So I went over to Melanie's house tonight to say hi-bye to her and her boys, and as I was walking down to leave I noticed I had left Matt's car lights on. Oops! but they were still shining bright, so no big deal. Well I got in and the ignition made the classic clicking sound that I know all too well. Ugh! So I yelled to my friend Thomas who had walked me out to the dead car, and we laughed incredibly hard (probly woke up the whole neighborhood) then Sam came out and luckily had jumper cables. 5 minutes later we were back in business! I just can't believe I killed Mattie's cute lil car... aw sad!


Hanna Banana said...

Maybe you should've been the blond one...

Jayne said...

Maybe? MAYbe?